AC Permits & Community Development
Photo Credit, Giogi Chiappo-West, LCMC Former Member
LCMC Permit Applications
Please note, all permits issued, must be posted where it can be seen clearly from the road.
Tree Permit Application
*Building Permit Applicatinn
Fence Permit Application
RV Permit Application
*If submitting for a building permit, be sure to sign the Determination of Water Adequacy form here
***Nonsignificant Tree: any tree under six (6) inches caliper or those included on the following list, regardless of size:
1. Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia);
2. Cottonwood (Populous freemontii);
3. Native alder (Native Alnus only);
4. Native willow (Native Salix only);
***Is your proposed project within 200' of a wetland, within 150' of a stream, or within
100' of a lake? If your answer is yes, prior to applying for your LCMC pennit, you must submit your
plans to Mason County Permit Center at 360-427-9670 ext 352 to ensure compliance with Mason
County regulations.
***Is your proposed project below the high water mark? (742' Elevation of Lake
Cushman or 482' elevation of Lake Kokanee) If you answer is yes, you will need to submit your plans
to Wynnae Wright at Tacoma Power - 253-441-4180 to ensure compliance with TPU regulations.
***Is your proposed project within 50' of a slope greater than 40%. If your answer is yes,
prior to applying for your LCMC permit, you must submit your plans to Mason County Permit Center at
360-427-9670 ext 352 to ensure compliance with Mason County regulations. (Note; an easy way to
determine a 40% slope is to use a 1 O'. board. Stick it out level with one end against the ground at the
project site. If the opposite end is 4 ft. or more off the ground that's a 40% or greater slope.)
1. Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia);
2. Cottonwood (Populous freemontii);
3. Native alder (Native Alnus only);
4. Native willow (Native Salix only);
***Is your proposed project within 200' of a wetland, within 150' of a stream, or within
100' of a lake? If your answer is yes, prior to applying for your LCMC pennit, you must submit your
plans to Mason County Permit Center at 360-427-9670 ext 352 to ensure compliance with Mason
County regulations.
***Is your proposed project below the high water mark? (742' Elevation of Lake
Cushman or 482' elevation of Lake Kokanee) If you answer is yes, you will need to submit your plans
to Wynnae Wright at Tacoma Power - 253-441-4180 to ensure compliance with TPU regulations.
***Is your proposed project within 50' of a slope greater than 40%. If your answer is yes,
prior to applying for your LCMC permit, you must submit your plans to Mason County Permit Center at
360-427-9670 ext 352 to ensure compliance with Mason County regulations. (Note; an easy way to
determine a 40% slope is to use a 1 O'. board. Stick it out level with one end against the ground at the
project site. If the opposite end is 4 ft. or more off the ground that's a 40% or greater slope.)